Centre for Infectious Disease Research Zambia
Fellowship Site Directors: Anjali Sharma, ScD
Site Contact: Anjali Sharma, ScD; contact: Anjali.Sharma@cidrz.org
Website: http://www.cidrz.org/
Site Specialties:
- HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, and Treatment
- Tuberculosis Prevention and Control
- Women’s Health
- Newborn and Child Health
- Adolescent and young women population
- Key populations
- Health System Strengthening/Primary Care
- Social and behavioural sciences
- Enteric diseases and vaccine
- Noncommunicable diseases and aging
- Hepatitis B
- Mental Health and substance abuse
- Water, sanitation and hygiene
- Basic science and laboratory research
Site Description:
CIDRZ is an independent, local, non-governmental health organization that has been an active partner of the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Health, and other Ministries since 2001. Our Mission is to improve access to quality healthcare through innovative capacity development, implementation science and research, and impactful and sustainable public health programs. CIDRZ experts utilize innovative and collaborative approaches to develop research, health services, and training initiatives with measurable results.
CIDRZ Vision: “A Zambia, and a region, in which all people have access to quality healthcare and enjoy the best possible health.”
CIDRZ Mission: “To improve access to quality healthcare in Zambia through innovative capacity development, exceptional implementation science and research, and impactful and sustainable public health programs.”