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Simon Manga

Dr. Manga will spend his fellowship year at the Women's Health Program (WHP) of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) in Cameroon under the mentorship of Alan Tita, MD, PhD, Isabel Scarinci, PhD, Warner Huh, MD and Pius Tih, PhD. His re-search will focus on "Feasibility of Integrating HPV-Based Cervical Cancer Prevention into HIV Care and Treatment in a PEPFAR Supported HIV-Free Clinic in Cameroon.”
Dr. Manga serves as a Clinical Consultant for the WHP and Deputy Director for Clinical Affairs of the CBCHS. He holds an appointment in the Center of Women's Reproductive Health, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Alabama at Birming-ham (UAB) as an Adjunct Instructor and Postdoctoral Scholar. Dr. Manga's long-term career goal is to eliminate cervical cancer in Cameroon and the Central African Sub-Region target-ing the most vulnerable women like sex workers and women living with HIV.

Title:  "Feasibility of Integrating HPV-Based Cervical Cancer Prevention into HIV Care and Treatment in a PEPFAR Supported HIV-Free Clinic in Cameroon.”

Training site: Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS)

Mentors: Alan Tita MD, PhD; Isabel Scarinci PhD

