Shubhada Hooli
Dr. Hooli will spend her fellowship year at Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch under the mentorship of Anna Mandalakas, MD, PhD and Eric McCollum, MD, MPH. Her research will focus on understanding the frequency of pulse oximetry use and prevalence of hypoxemia amongst children under 10 years old evaluated at outpatient clinics in Khaye-litsha township.
Dr. Hooli is a post-doctoral fellow in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. Her career goal is to develop interventions to reduce acute lower respiratory in-fection associated child mortality.
Title: "Hypoxemia Prevalence and Outcomes Amongst Children Evaluated at Outpatient Health Centers in Khayelitsha township, South Africa"
Training site: Stellenbosch University
Mentors: Anna Mandalakas MD, PhD; Eric McCollum MD, MPH