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Brenna Roth

Dr. Roth will spend her fellowship year at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka under the mentorship of Manhattan Charurat, PhD and Lloyd Mulenga, BScHb, MBChB, MSc, MMed, PhD. Her research will focus on elucidating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) coloni-zation differences in people living with HIV (PLWH) compared to people without HIV.
Dr. Roth is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland Baltimore. Her career goals are to understand the epidemiological risk factors for AMR in PLWH and use this information to inform and improve clinical care and treatment with the broader goal of improving antibiotic use and developing strategies to reduce AMR.

Title: "Improving Empiric Antibiotic Therapy by Characterizing Antibiotic Resistant (ABR) Colonization in People Living with HIV (PLWH) and People without HIV in a Resource Limited Setting"

Training site: University Teaching Hospital (UTH)

Mentors: Man Charurat PhD; Lloyd Mulenga MBChB, MSc, MMed, PhD


