October 03, 2022
In Nairobi, Ciheb’s PACT Endeleza program, with the assistance of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and Nairobi City County, established medically assisted therapy (MAT) clinics to reduce the spread of HIV among people who inject drugs (PWID) and provide opioid substitution therapy (OST). These clinics in Mathari and Ngara were established with funding from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The 2014 rollout of MAT in Kenya began in Nairobi County, with its first client being female. The clinic has since enrolled 2,262 PWID, 10% female. The interventions provided at the clinics also encourage women to meet health, social, and economic milestones comparable to their peers who do not use drugs. This assistance is crucial to achieving an equitable future for these women.
The injection of drugs is linked to several adverse outcomes, such as an increased risk of blood-borne diseases, poverty, homelessness, increased crime, and risk of violence. PWID are amongst those most vulnerable to HIV infection and are 22 times more likely to acquire HIV compared to the rest of the general population. In Kenya, an estimated 10% of injecting drug users are women. Women who use drugs (WWUD) are more likely to conceal their drug-taking behavior because of societal discrimination, more likely to experience sexual violence, and less likely to access medical care and HIV services. The global HIV prevalence among women who inject drugs is 13%, compared to 9% among men. This risk has led to numerous efforts by civil society organizations to expand women's access to comprehensive harm reduction services.
Referrals for MAT services prioritize those who are living with HIV and those who are pregnant. Interventions begin with WWUD receiving services, including harm reduction messaging, HIV testing and referral for antiretroviral therapy, condom distribution, needle and syringe exchange programs, OST with methadone, and sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning. Further linkage to drop-in centers allows for providing clinical and psychosocial services, education, and motivational counseling to increase the interest and readiness to enroll in MAT clinics for OST. WWUD are also provided with hygiene packs and have access to women-centered support groups at the drop-in center.
Referral for maternity services has seen 42 safe deliveries over a six-year period, with only 9.5% of all deliveries reporting neonatal abstinence syndrome. All HIV-infected women are on antiretroviral therapy as part of the integrated package of services with 100% viral suppression.
The provision of psychosocial support services has seen increased reintegration in women on treatment to stable employment with opportunities to engage in alternative employment. This is key given that more than 75% of WWUD on MAT engaged in sex work at least once over their course of drug use.
To support personal economic growth, the Nairobi County Women’s representative, Honorable Esther Passaris, through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund, provided funding for WWUD on MAT to acquire income-generating vocational skills. Thirty-five women are beneficiaries of funding and acquired hairdressing skills during the pilot of this initiative.
The clinics have continued to support women-centered MAT groups to address challenges in recovery. One such support group is the MAT mothers support group, composed of women who gave birth to children before and during MAT treatment. This support group enables clients to share experiences and learn skills that improve parenting.
Society benefits when women are supported and empowered to succeed and excel; Ciheb Kenya and the various community and facility stakeholders are making significant gains in the rehabilitation of women. With the employment of MAT clinics, women with opioid use disorder are provided with an integrated biomedical and psychosocial approach that is shown to reduce the harm associated with drug use.
Center for International Health, Education, and Biosecurity
Institute of Human Virology
Anthony Okoth
Regional Communications Specialist
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